Raised with Christ to a New Life” Col 3:1
Prior chapters discussed the false teachings Paul wants the Colossian Christians to avoid. Chapter 3 begins with a transition from these teachers into a description of legitimate spirituality, from the only true teacher: Christ. Paul’s use of “if” here is not really a question, but an assumption. He writes the following to those who are saved by faith in Christ. Their goal was to live with an eternal perspective rather than a focus on the rules and regulations of this world. Rather than following a set of rules, Christians are to submit moment-by-moment to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Paul then explains why believers are to focus on eternal matters. Christians are to set their minds “above,” so to speak, because that is where Christ is. Christ is not on earth, or in the grave—He is at God’s right hand. This was the consistent teaching of Jesus, and of the early church (Luke 22:69; Acts 2:33; 5:31; 1 Peter 3:22). Paul would also teach this message to the Romans (Romans 8:34). The book of Hebrews also emphasizes this location of honor for Jesus (Hebrews 1:3; 10:12; 12:2).
Colossians 3:1–11 encourages Christian believers to focus their attention on godly, spiritual things. Those who are spiritually free, thanks to their faith in Christ, should not live in the sins which used to be their habit. Paul specifically refers to certain sins such as sexual immorality, jealousy, slander, lying, and revenge. These are not simply to be avoided: Paul tells believers to ”put to death” such behaviors in their own lives. All believers are united in Christ, so all believers should act as people committed to their Savior. The next passage will contrast these sins with the positive behaviors Christians are meant to undertake.
In this chapter, Paul gives clear instructions to Christians about living out faith in Christ. Since believers have been saved by Christ, they should not participate in the sins which trap unbelievers. Sexual immorality, jealousy, slander, and revenge are not to be part of the Christian’s life. Instead, believers ought to demonstrate compassion, humility, patience, and forgiveness. Above all, followers of Christ should show love. Paul also gives specific instructions for those living in Christian homes, including husbands, wives, children, and servants.
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Raised with Christ to a New Life” Col 3:1
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